Monthly Archives: April 2020
Scenic views from my balcony. Case Study: Aarun Ilyas – Granada, Spain 2019-20

English: Moving to Spain to start my first job has been the most challenging experience of my life so far however it has also been the most rewarding. Since starting university almost three years ago now, my degree has been building up to this point. Being awarded a scholarship by

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received_206942527177561 Sam in Tajikistan – ХАРИДАНИ АРӮС – BUYING THE BRIDE – March 2020

Тӯйҳои тоҷикӣ бахшҳои зиёду гуногун доранд, аммо ҳар марҳила хӯрдани бисёр ошро дар бар мегирад! Ҳафтаи гузашта ман дар Душанбе ‘ҷӯраи домод’ барои тӯйи дӯстам будам. Анъанаҳои арӯсӣ дар вилоятҳову минтақаҳои гуногуни Тоҷикистон хеле фарқ мекунанд, бинобар ин ман таҷрибаи худамро ба шумо баён мекунам. 1. Хостгорӣ. Берозигии ҳама хешу

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mar 6 Un petit tour de la Normandie: Phoebe Gittins, Paris, France – March 2020

Il y a quelques semaines, on est partis de Paris pour faire un petit tour de la Normandie, une région côtière magnifique du nord de la France, à seulement quelques heures par bus de Paris. On était un groupe d’une quarantaine d’étudiants et tout le monde pensait que c’était l’une

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Fragrant hills Sandy Perkins: China during the coronavirus epidemic, China – March 2020

我的疫情经历 最近几个月在中国的生活方式发生了很多变化。因为新型冠状肺炎病毒疫情的全国扩散,所以中国的政府在进行很严格的打赢疫情政策。在这里打赢疫情政策的最关键方面是呼吁大家尽量不出门。因此,除了超市以及一些必须继续营业的公司以外,在北京大部分的公司和商店都要么在关门,要么在进行在家办公方针。所有的饭馆也都在关门或只支持外带。进出各类场所都有体温检测。至于我的大学学习,我们现在在网上上课。我很欣赏我的老师们的努力适应他们的新的教课方法。 即使这次疫情把我所有的旅游计划打乱了,而且打赢疫情的政策在限制我跟中国人交流的机会,这次疫情也给了我很多时间看中国小说以及在家里努力学习中文。中文有一个成语,塞翁失马焉知非福,意思是一个坏事情可能有些好处,这个成语很适合形容现在的情形。我觉得通过在家里学习中文的这一段时间,我的中文语法和词汇都有了明显的进步。 最近在中国的疫情情况好多了。鉴于疫情情况好转了,周末的时候我趁着人少去了一些名胜古迹参观。上个星期我去了香山。香山是个很漂亮的公园,位于北京西边的一个山脉。在这里我爬山爬了半天才到达峰顶。在峰顶能看到很漂亮的风景和北京市的庞大规模。昨天我还到鸟巢和奥林匹克森林公园去了。在那里游览让我回忆起来十二年前看的中国主办的二零零八年奥林匹克运动会。鸟巢、水立方、玲珑塔和奥林匹克森林公园建设的都很宏伟壮观,我在鸟巢前驻足留了影。 希望这次疫情能够快点结束,一切都回到正常的样子。中国加油!全世界加油! ENGLISH: Over last two months life in China changed in many ways.  Because of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic across the whole country, the government implemented very strict measures to control the virus. At the core of these measures is to encourage everybody to

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IMG_20200120_141533161_HDR 一个比较严肃的题目 – A More Serious Topic – Jonathan Ferguson, Beijing – March 2020

本月的博客题目比以前的严肃得多,可是作为住在中国,学习中文的学生,我认为我应该提取最近几个月的疫情。幸运的是,中国疫情愈来愈好但是欧洲的疫情每况愈下。 This month’s blog topic is much more serious than normal, but as a student living in China and learning Chinese, I thought I ought to raise the issue of the recent coronavirus situation. Luckily, the situation in China is ever improving but in Europe the situation is getting worse

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