IMG_20190905_113315546 Jonathan Ferguson, China – Reflections on this year – July 2020

  毫無疑問,今年的一個極大亮點是去旅行的機會。從摩登,國際化的上海和有豐富歷史的洛陽到得天獨厚的雲南和以西湖著稱於世的杭州,我去了很多難忘的地方。讓我印象最深刻的地方是舉世聞名的張家界。看見在張家界取景的《阿凡達》之後,決定想去親眼觀賞那裡獨一無二的風景。在我看來,張家界猶如夢中仙境,真是人間天堂。 A big highlight of this year has undoubtedly been the chances to go traveling. From modern, international shanghai to Luoyang with its rich history, from Yunnan which has been blessed by nature to Hangzhou which has been made so famous due to its West Lake, I have been

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野柳和太鲁阁 – Yeliu and Taroko: Jonathan Ferguson, May 2020

最近几个月,我因为来势汹汹新冠病毒的威胁而决定留在台北,免得让病毒有机可乘。不过,台湾最近几个星期台湾好像控制住这个空前绝后病毒的蔓延,病毒卷土重来的可能性较低,所以我决定利用这个机会探索台湾其他地区。 In recent months, due to the threat posed by Covid-19, I have stayed in Taipei so as to avoid giving the virus any opportunity. However, in recent weeks Taiwan seems to have controlled this unprecedented virus’ spread. As the risk of it returning is relatively low, I decided to

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