I went on a walk up this steep mountain road, not a soul in sight.

Me feeding the rabbits on Okunoshima, in Hiroshima Prefecture. They were really tame, even though they were wild.

Looking towards the peak of Mt.fuji, hiding behind the clouds.

Posing on a cliff on Okunoshima (better known as rabbit island)
I was quite worried about how my end of term exams went, because I started the class half way through the semester, but I managed to pass them and enter the N1 level class! Because I am planning to take the JLPT (Japanese language proficiency test) N1 in December, I am glad I made it into the N1 class. I will continue to do my best to improve my Japanese.
I had a 2 week break before the new semester started, so I went to Tokushima-ken (in Shikoku). One of my friends from the last time I was in Japan is currently working there, so I went to visit her. By leaving Tokyo and going to the countryside, I was able to relax. I am very much a countryside girl, maybe because I grew up in the countryside, so no matter how much I enjoy my life in Tokyo, I feel like the countryside always suits me better. In the city everyone is always busy, and no one chats with each other. However, people in the countryside have a different attitude, life moves at a slower pace, and people are happy to talk to strangers. Also, I like how easy it is to walk in nature with no people around. When I am worrying about something, or unable to decide about something, I find going for a walk in nature helps me clear my mind. Therefore, being able to go there and talk walks, see fireworks and visit the rabbit island was great. I had so much fun!

Another photo of the fireworks,
I also went on a 2 day, 1 night trip with my host family to the Mt. Fuji area. We went in a rental car that could fit 10 people, it was super fun!
On Saturday, first we went to Fuji Q Highland, a theme park, and rode the fujiyama roller-coaster. The weather that day was really reminiscent of Scotland, so it was pretty cold on the ride. Even so, we all got very excited and had a good time.
Then we went to the nearby Narusawa ice cave. We wore helmets to enter the cave, and once inside it was really tight, the ceiling was often really low and we had to climb over lots of rocks, so it really seemed like an adventure. There was an ice pond in the cave that was lit up with blue lights so it sparkled prettily.

A small part of the room we stayed in, looking out over the lake
Despite this, the highlight of the trip was the hotel we stayed at. The “room” was a tatami suite and was bigger than I thought it would be. The hotel provided Yukata (a kind of thin Kimono type Japanese style of clothing). And there was an Onsen inside the hotel. Onsen is a Japanese style of Bath. You have to shower before entering, and unlike a swimming pool, everyone enters naked (the sexes are separated though) which often surprises foreigners. While it’s a little embarrassing at first, you get used to it quickly. This hotel had two inside baths, and one outside bath. It was my first outside bath! It was the best! The hot bath and the cool air, felt really good. I went in it three times, before dinner, before sleeping and before heading out in the morning, each time I never wanted to get out.

Houtou, a speciality of Yamanashi Prefecture, it was a kind of thick flat noodle with vegetables and chicken in a miso broth.
Saying that, the food was also amazing! Dinner was a Japanese style course meal, lots of different foods came out and I got to try lots of delicious foods. There was a little bit too much food, but because it was so good I tried my best to eat it all, and gained a food baby. Breakfast was buffet style, and again everything looked so good that I ate too much and made another food baby.
On Sunday, because we had specially come to the Mt. Fuji we climbed up to the fifth step (in the car). We went above some of the clouds, and saw some beautiful autumn leaves, but due to the clouds we couldn’t ever clearly see Mt. Fuji. At the fifth step we ate Yamanashi-ken’s houtou for lunch, then went to a shrine. There we did Omikuji. I quite like Omikuji. It’s similar to a lottery, where you receive a piece of paper with various things about your future, love life, job and lucky item, among other others. There’s both good ones and bad ones. If you get a bad fortune you have to tie it to a special place at the shrine so you don’t take the bad luck with you. I don’t really believe that the future will happen as it’s written, but I think it is fun to see what is written.

The fireworks here were different from the usual kind, rather than being fired into the air they fell down like rain. The one looked like an apocalypse to me,
Now I have returned to Tokyo, and am going to class as normal.