
The torii gate at the Yoyogi entrance of Meiji-jingu. Was lucky to go on a quiet day with not so many tourists.
A week has passed since I arrived in Japan
It’s so hot I feel like I could die, the cicadas are crying, without a doubt it’s summer in Japan.

The sunset a few days ago, the sky was amazingly beautiful and contrasted nicely with Tokyo’s skyscrapers.
Around 9am, August 4rth, I finally arrived in Japan. I am living with a host family while I am here, there are five family members; the father, mother, two small children (a 3 year old boy, and an 8 year old girl) and the fathers grandmother as well. I really like living here as everyone is super nice, I get delicious Japanese food made for me every day, and playing with the kids is super fun. They are so cute! They are always asking me to go play with them, and I can’t ever refuse. Also because I am living with Japanese people I have to use Japanese all the time, every day, so I am sure my Japanese will improve massively while I am here.

This was one of the meals my host family made for me. Including karaage, sashimi, takenoko rice and soup.
Here it is currently Obon. Obon is a Japanese Buddhist event held in the summer to worship and remember ancestors and people who have died. Usually from August 13~16, (but is also held in July in some areas). So in preparation for Obon, on Sunday 12th August, I went with my host family to a nearby temple and washed the family grave. And placed some flowers. Then one by one we put some burning incense on the tomb, poured some water over it, and put our hands together (like praying). I feel like this is an aspect of Japanese culture I could only experience because I am staying with a Japanese family, and it was a really interesting experience. (However, as I thought it might be disrespectful, I did not take any photos of this.)