Some of the crowds at Mt. Takao taking photos with the autumn leaves

The Nikko Bridge
Mt. Takao
Have you ever climbed a Scottish mountain? (Maybe any in the U.K. would be the same?) When I was younger, I used to go hill walking often with my family. There was never any other people, or proper path (if there was a path it was a mud one like those made by sheep), climbing was tough and would take all day. Cold, windy, rainy. I have a lot of those kind of memories. When put like that it doesn’t sound very fun, does it? But if there was good weather, or even when there wasn’t, the scenery was stunning. It was perfect for someone, like me, who prefers to be in nature. Also the rush of adrenaline once reaching the top, and the sense of having achieved something made it enjoyable.

The view over Tokyo from Mt. Takao
So when my friend invited me to climb Mt, Takao, I was expecting that kind of experience. In reality it was nothing like that.
In November Japanese people seem to like going to see the autumn leaves. One of the famous spots for doing so, near Tokyo, is Mt. Takao. The autumn colours were really beautiful there. The bright leaves, especially the contrast between the strong red and green was amazing. But because of that it was insanely crowded. I can’t say that Scottish mountains are never that crowded, but I have never seen one like that before. There was a wide range of people there, including families with small kids, couples, and grannies and grandads. I even saw someone climbing the hill in stilettos.
Not only was there a proper path, but there were restaurants and vending machines all over the mountain too. As well as a cable car. It felt a little like a ski resort. The atmosphere was completely different from what I’m used to.

Walking in Nikko with my Host Brother
Aside from that, Mt. Takao is a spiritual place, and it is thought that Tengu live there. Tengu are creatures from Japanese folk tales and religion, which can be seen as either Gods or spirits, they are usually depicted as a kind of long nosed goblin. Therefore there was lots of spiritual things, for example statues of Tengu, all over the mountain. As well as Yakuōin temple. I never imagined finding these kind of things while hill walking so it was really interesting, and began to feel a little like a quest, which was fun.
I went with my host family to one other place that is famous for autumn leaves. Nikko. It was only for one day, a public holiday as well, so it was super crowded, and we got stuck in traffic both going there and coming back, so there wasn’t much time. But despite that we managed to go to the famous Tōshōgū, and see the crying dragon.
Tōshōgū seemed to be connected to Tokugawa Ieyasu. There was even a special Tokugawa coke bottle. Tokugawa Ieyasu became the Shōgun of Japan in around 1603, and he started the Edo period. From him the Tokugawa family rule Japan up until the Meiji restoration in around 1868. So he is an important figure in Japanese history, and had a large influence on Japan. Now it seems he is enshrined at Tōshōgū and worshiped as Tōshōdaigongen or the Great Deity of the East Shinning Light.

People tied their bad fortunes to the trees here, so it wouldn’t follow them home.
While at Tōshōgū we saw two famous things. The first a figure of a sleeping cat. It was small, and placed above a door, and it was crowded, so I could get a good look at it, but it was cute. However, I’m not sure why it is famous. Then, we went to see the crying dragon. It was amazing. On the ceiling of the honjidō a large dragon was painted. It was black, and had an awe-inspiring face, so just seeing it made you feel impressed. However, it wasn’t just a painting, if you clapped something under the dragons head, you could hear a sound like the dragon was roaring. A cheerful monk demonstrated it for us. When he clapped under the dragons head, I heard a sound similar to that of a lion roaring. But clap anywhere else and there was no such effect. I was interested in why that effect was just in that spot so did some googling, and it seems that the ceiling of that room rather than being flat was made concaved, which has an influence on the acoustics of it. I.E. this effect was not a coincidence. I wonder how they worked out how to do it…
Nikko was stunningly beautiful. I can clearly see why it is a popular place to go see the autumn leaves. From the car we saw an amazing red forest, and even once we arrived at Tōshōgū there were autumn colours everywhere. The scenery was amazing.

I though the yellow leaves were pretty~
I am really happy I got to enjoy the autumn colours beauty with everyone. Playing with the kids, eating good food, seeing the beautiful surroundings, it was an epic day.