在上个月的报告中我写到了我在云南的经验,则这个月我要写我在一个很不同的地方的经验,中国的东北。 我在中国已经听说了很多东北的刻板印象,据说东北人很有幽默感,很会喝酒。 考虑到这一点,我和朋友们就决定去东北亲眼看情况是不是这样。 我们安排了去东北三个省的每一个省。我们的第一站是沈阳,辽宁的省会。 我们一下车,就对极度的寒冷天气感到震惊,我们以为北京算是个很冷的地方,可是沈阳的天气是无比寒冷的,晚上的温度下降到零下20摄氏度。我们像是在寒冷气温里的企鹅一样摇摆行走于这个城市之间,可是因为温度太低,所以我们晚上没有机会出去认识那些地道很逗的东北人。

Chilling (literally) at the Harbin Ice Festival
In my last report I wrote about my experience in Yunnan, but this month I would like to write about my experience in a very different region – China’s Northeast. Throughout my time in China I have heard various stereotypes about this region. Apparently, people from the Northeast have a very funny sense of humour and the ability to drink lots of alcohol. With this in mind, my friends and I decided to go to the Northeast to see with our own eyes whether this really was the case. We arranged to visit each of the three provinces in the Northeast, our first stop being Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province. As soon as we got off the train we were struck by the bitter cold. We thought Beijing was a very cold place, but the weather here was another level of cold, with the night time temperature dropping to around -20 degrees Celsius. Like Penguins, we waddled around the city, trying our best to keep warm. However, due to the extreme temperatures we were unable to go out in the evening and get to know the hilarious people we had heard so much about.
A few days later we arrived in Harbin, this time determined to meet some Northeasterners. Fortunately, our Chinese born Australian friend was in Harbin at the same time. After we told him our reason for coming to the region, he introduced us to his grandmother who had lived in Harbin her whole life. Although she was by no means a comedian, we still had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed her company. The funniest thing was that she covered up all the expensive items in the house for fear that us foreigners would want to steal them!