時間真過得很快,我已經在台北學習了 6 個星期了!有時後我仍然覺得很難適應這爾的新日常生活,因為台灣的什麼東西都跟英國完全不一樣,但我知道這是留學經驗的重要一部分。日子一天天過去,我越來越習慣台北,也發現了這個城市的新地方。
十月有兩個國定假日。第一個是中秋節。人們會吃很多月餅來慶祝這個節日,所以當我的中文老師把她自己做的月餅帶到課堂上的時候,我非常高興。第二個節日叫雙十節,因為是 10 月 10 日。這一天是台灣的《國慶日》,因此台北哪裡都掛著台灣國旗。
假期讓我有時間出去台北玩兒玩兒和北海岸附近旅行。我去了北投,從台北坐地鐵只需 40 分鐘,還去了這裡的日式溫泉。這非常有趣。在我看來看到日本在這裡的影響也很有趣。最近,我還去了九份古老的金礦村,也參觀了十分的瀑布。這些台北外面的小旅行讓我可以跟本地人說中文,非常有趣。因為台灣人完全沒想到我會說中文,所以我說時候,他們都感到興奮。昨天,一個麵包店的老闆免費送給我一些糕點,因為我會說中文,他非常高興!
雖然到 11 月底我才有假期,但在台北外面的短旅行讓我更珍惜台灣。
Time is going by very quickly and I’ve been studying in Taipei for 6 weeks now! I still find it difficult sometimes to adapt to my new life here as almost everything in Taiwan is different from England, but I know that this is an important part of the study abroad experience. Day by day I get more used to Taipei and discover new parts of the city.
The main improvement this month has been the weather. Now that it’s autumn, the weather is a lot cooler than before. It’s of course a lot warmer than the UK but it is no longer uncomfortable to be outside. There was a small typhoon but the rain actually reminded me of the UK!
So far in October, there have been two national holidays. The first was the mid-autumn festival. People celebrate this festival by eating lots of mooncakes, so I was delighted when my Chinese teacher brought mooncakes to class that she had made herself. The second holiday is called double 10th day because it’s on the 10th of October. This is the National Day of Taiwan and because of this, there are lots of Taiwanese flags hanging across Taipei.
The holidays have allowed me to spend some time travelling outside of Taipei and near the north coast. I visited Beitou, 40 minutes by train from Taipei, and went to the Japanese hot springs here. This was very fun, and it was interesting to see the Japanese influence here. I recently have also been to the old gold-mining village of Jiufen and saw the famous waterfall at Shifen. These small trips outside of Taipei are allowing me to speak Chinese with locals which is very fun. Taiwanese people are always so surprised and excited that I can speak Chinese. Yesterday the shopkeeper in a bakery gave me some pastries for free as he was so happy that I spoke Chinese!
I don’t have any more holidays until the end of November, but my short trips outside of Taipei have made me appreciate Taiwan a lot more.

Day trip to Jiufen
时间过得很快,我已经在台北学习了 6 个星期了!有时后我仍然觉得很难适应这尔的新日常生活,因为台湾的什么东西都跟英国完全不一样,但我知道这是留学经历的重要一部分。日子一天天过去,我越来越习惯台北,也发现了这个城市的新地方。
十月有两个国定假日。第一个是中秋节。人们会吃很多月饼来庆祝这个节日,所以当我的中文老师把她自己做的月饼带到课堂上的时候,我非常高兴。第二个节日叫双十节,因为是在 10 月 10 日。这一天是台湾的《国庆日》,因此台北哪儿都挂着台湾国旗。
假期让我有时间出去台北玩儿玩儿和北海岸附近旅行。我去了北投,从台北坐地铁只需 40 分钟,还去了这里的日式温泉。这非常有趣。在我看来看到日本在这里的影响也很有意思。最近,我还去了九份古老的金矿村,也参观了十分的瀑布。这些台北外面的小旅行让我可以和本地人说中文,非常有趣。因为台湾人都完全没想到我会说中文,所以我说时候,他们都感到兴奋。昨天,一个面包店的老板免费送给我一些糕点,因为我会说中文,他非常高兴!
虽然到 11 月底我才有假期,但在台北外面的短旅行让我更加珍惜台湾。