Dobar dan! Pozdrav iz Zagreba! Ja sam Gabriel, iz Liverpoola, i došao sam u Zagreb prije 2 mjeseci zbog stipendije hrvatskog jezika. Grad je lijep, glavni grad hrvatske, nisam nikad bio tu prije ali sad osjeća kao doma. Živim u studenskom domu s hrvatskim studentima, oni se uvijek izenenade kad pričam hravtski s njima zato što nije često da stranac priča njihov jezik. U mojoj nastavi, mi smo 15, većina je iz Latinske Amerike zato što tijekom drugog svijetskog rata, mnogo ljudi su se preselili tamo. Dakle, ovi studenti koji su iz latinske amerike imaju hravtske korijene i su ovdje učiti jezik. Jer oni ne znaju engleski, a ja ne govorim dobro španjolski, komuniciramo samo na hrvatskom, što je zanimljivo je da mogu čuti njihovi nasglasak i mogu otkriti da imaju španjolsko hrvatski naglasak. Nadam se da ovo znači da moj hrvatski napreduje
Naš program je super i baš svida mi se moj razred. U ovoj reportaži, želim govoriti o izletima u kojima sam uživao. Prvi je bio put s cijelim programom do Rijeke, grad udaljen dva sata od Zagreba. Drugi je bio izlet u Hvratsko Narodno Kazalište s razredom gdje smo imali turneju na hravtskom.U našem izletu do Rijeke, bili smo oko 150 ljudi iz cijeloga svijeta, jedino što nam je bilo zajedničko bio je hrvatski jezik pa to je bio jezik u kojem smo razgovarali. U autobusu od Zagreba do rijeke, imali smo simpatičnog vodiča koji nam je pričao na sporom hrvatskom kako bi uključio sve razine. Posjetili smo u vrlo zanimljiva mjesta kao Svetište Majke Božje Trsatske, Gradina Trsat i Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka. U muzeju smo imali turneju na hravtskom jeziku i bilo mi je zanimljivo, ne samo zbog povijesti, nego i zato što turistički vodič je bio iz Rijeke i mogao sam čuti, identificirati i razumjeti njegov rijekanski naglasak. Mislim da najlepše mjesto gdje smo posjetili je bilo Gradina Trsat zato što je imao pogled gdje smo mogli vidjeti cijelu Rijeku.

Ja u Rijeci!
Me in Rijeka!
Baš je divan grad s odličnim povijesti. Jeste li znali da je jedan dio rijeke bio dio italije i omeđen zidom poput berlinskog u 20. stoljeću?
Hravtsko Narodno Kazalište je predivno, osnovano u 1895 kad Zagreb je bio dio Austro-Ugarskog carstva. Vodička pokazala nam je najbolja sjedala u kazalištu i pustila nas je da gledamo dio probe za predstavu ‘Šišmiš’.

Predstava ‘Šišmiš’ i super pogled!
Performance ‘the Bat’ and an awesome view!
Takoder vidjeli smo gdje je sjedio car Austro-Ugarskog carstva. Njegov pogled nije bio tako dobar ali vodička nam je objasnila da to je bilo namjerno zato što njegovo sjedalo je bilo gdje svi su mogli ga vidjet. Unutrašnjost kazališta je prekrasna, ukrašena je slikama na stropu i veličanstvenošću.
Sada počinje adventsko slavlje i vrlo sam uzbuđen što ću vam reći sve o tome u svom sljedećoj reportaži…
Sve najbolje,
Hello! Greetings from Zagreb! I am Gabriel, from Liverpool and I came to Zagreb two months ago because of a Croatian language programme here. The city is beautiful, the capital of Croatia, I had never been here before but now it feels like home. I’m staying in a student dormitory with Croatian students who are always surprised when I speak with them in Croatian because it is very uncommon to hear a foreigner speak their language. In my language class, there are 15 of us and the majority are from Latin America because during the second world war, lots of people moved there from Croatia. Therefore, these Latin American students have Croatian roots and are here to learn the language. Since they don’t know english and I don’t speak very good Spanish, we communicate with each other only in Croatian. Something interesting to me about this is that I can hear that they have a Spanish accent when they speak Croatian. I hope this means that my Croatian is improving.
Our programme is great and I really enjoy the my class. In this report, I want to talk about the trips we have enjoyed together. The first was to Rijeka, a city two hours from Zagreb, with the whole programme and the second was a trip to the Croatian National Theatre with the class where we had a tour in Croatian.
In our trip to Rijeka, there were about 150 of us from all over the world, the one thing we had in common was Croatian language so, of course, that was the language we conversed in. On the bus from Zagreb to Rijeka, we had a very nice guide who spoke to us slowly in Croatian so as to include all levels. We visited some really interesting places such as the Church of Mary of God of Trsat, Trsat Castle and the maritime and historical museum of the Croatian coast. In the museum, we had a tour in Croatian language which was very interesting, not only because of the history, but also because the tour guide was from Rijeka and I was able to hear, identify and understand his Rijeka accent. I think that the most beautiful place we visited was the Trsat castle because it had a view where we could see the whole of Rijeka, a really wonderful city with an excellent history. Did you know that one part of Rijeka was a part of Italy and separated by a wall just like the Berlin Wall in the 20th century?
The Croatian National Theatre is a marvellous museum founded in 1895 back when Zagreb was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The tour guide showed us the best seats in the theatre and let us watch a little bit of the rehearsal for the show “The Bat”. As well as that, we saw where the Austro-Hungarian emperor would sit. His view was not very good but the tour guide explained to us that this was on purpose and that his seat was positioned where everyone was able to see him. The interior of the theatre is beautiful, decorated with grandeur and paintings of the ceilings.
Now Advent celebrations are starting and i am very excited to tell you all about it in my next report…
All the best,