Gabriel Anderson: Zima, snijeg i Sljeme – Winter, Snow and Sljeme – Jan 2025

Zima je došla u Zagrebu i nema boljeg naćina da ga doživiti od posjeta Sljemenu. Sljeme je planina smještena sjeverno od zagreba, visoka je 1033 metra nadmorske visine i prekrasno je mjesto za provesti dan tijekom zime. Ima tri načina da se dođe do vrha planine: autom, pješice ili žičarom. Po mojem mišljenju, najlakše i najzabavnije je žičarom. Dakle s mojim prijateljima iz nastave, putovali smo do vrha od ove nevjerojatne planine žičarom, bilo nam je dan fantastičan.


Probudio sam se oko devet, bila je subota, skoro sam zaspao kad sam se sjetio da sam se dogovorio naći prijatelje u deset ispred studentskog doma. Vrijeme je bilo hladno ali ne nepodnošljivo, nosio sam šal i kapu. Našao sam se s prijateljima u 10:15 i išli smo tramvajem do žičare. Čuli smo da ima snijega na Sljeme pa smo bili jako uzbuđeni zato što jer smo dugo živjeli na hladnoći bez dara snijega.

Žicara nam je bila besplatno zato što živimo u Zagrebu, neznam ako to je jer smo studenti ili jer smo zagrepčani ali bilo mi je drago da nismo trebali platiti deset eura. Trajala je žicara 30 minuta i dok smo se dizali više, više smo snijega mogli vidjeti. Sljeme se nalazi iznad planine medvednice znači vidjelcable car  friends from class,i smo prekrasnu medvednicu ispod nas dok smo išli bliže vrha. Međutim u jednom zastrašujućem trenutku, žicara je stala. Nismo znali zašto ali ja sam se bojio za svoj život! Nakon najduže minute koju sam ikad doživio, nastavila je žičara i uskoro došli smo na Sljeme.

Snijeg je bio svugdje, hladno nam je bilo ali bili smo tako sretan da smo došli da nije nas smetalo. Igrali smo se u snijegu kao djeca, gađali smo se snijegom i napravili smo snjegovića. Što mi je bilo jako lijepo na sljeme je kako divan je izgledao pogled, nevjerovatan! Djeca su se smijala i psi su5664659a-dab3-48c3-8c30-96e8783d0642 trčali dok smo vježbali hrvatski, pitajući nekoga ako može nas slikati. Bio je dan da neću brzo zaboraviti, snijeg čini sve boljim!

Winter has arrived in Zagreb and there is no better way to experience it than a visit to Sljeme. Sljeme is a mountain located north of Zagreb, it is 1033 meters high above sea level and a beautiful place to spend a winter day. There are three ways to get to the top of the mountain: by car, foot or cable car. In my opinion, the easiest and most fun way is by cable car. So, with we travelled to this unbelievable mountain in the cable car and had a fantastic day.

I woke up around nine, it was a Saturday, I almost fell back to sleep when I remembered I had arranged to meet my friends at ten o clock outside the student accommodation. The weather was cold but not unbearable, I was wearing a scarf and a hat. I met with my friends at 10:15 and we went by tram to the cable car.

We had heard that there would be snow on Sljeme so we were really excited because we had been living in the cold without the gift of snow.

The cable car for us was free because we live in Zagreb, I don’t know whether that is because we are students or because we are citizens of Zagrebs but it was really nice for me to not have to pay ten euros. The cable car took half an hour and as we got higher up, the more snow we could see. Sljeme is located above the mountain Medvednica meaning we saw the beautiful Medvednica below us as we got closer to the peak. However, in one terrifying moment, the cable car stopped. We did not know why it had stopped but I feared for my life! After the longest minute I had ever experienced, the cable car continued and soon we reached Sljeme.

There was snow was everywhere, it was cold but we were so happy that we had arrived that it didn’t bother us. We were playing in the snow like children, we threw snowballs at each other and made a snowman. What was really pretty on Sljeme was how wonderful the view looked, it was unbelievable! Children were laughing, dogs were running while we practiced croatian, asking someone if they could take a picture of us. It was a day I will not forget quickly, snow makes everything better!

Posted in Monthly Reports