ukiyo-e exhibition
2月の四日から七日まで、友達と長野に旅行しました。その旅行について話したいと思います。日本の二月といえば、やはり、雪だ!長野ならでは、雪猿が特に有名ですので、そのところにみんなが行ってみたかったです。行った時には大雪の予報でした。そのため、着いたらすぐ軽井沢でスケートや星を見ることを見に行きました。軽井沢に行っているうちに、大雪のため、そのような活動をできるかどうか確認しました。星を見る活動は大雪のため、もう中止になってしまいました。友達の中で私は日本番号しかなかったので、アイスリンクの開業を確認しました。店員さんは開いていると言いましたが、実現に着いたら、雪のため、中止になりました。私たちは状況に笑うしかありませんでした。幸い、タクシーで15分に行ったら有名な温泉がありました。そこで一日のストレスを和らげました。本当にもし温泉がなかったら、その日は最悪の日になるかもしれません。長野の旅行にはたくさんの雪活動をしたり、温泉に入ったり、最高旅行でした! 春休みは二週間しかないので、来週授業が始まります。もっと旅行したくてしょうがないけれども、私の留学する目標は日本語だから、勉強頑張れます!

It’s become the spring vacation! Again, it’s become a time where I don’t that to study that hard so I can relax. In January, I tried a new sport which was figure skating. One day a friend wanted to go skating, so he invited us to go. I had no experience of skating, so I was actually nervous. However, I eventually became able to skate. 3 years ago, I wanted to be a professional cyclist, so I was training a lot during that time. But due to an accident I gave up that dream. I’m really a beginner but while thinking about my previous training experience, I intend to seriously do figure skating. Nanzan do have a figure skating society so two weeks ago I joined it. Now I was in Japan I thought it would be good to join a Japanese club but opportunities to do so had been few. So, joining a club now would be a good experience, I think. There will be lots of embarrassing and hard moments, but I will try my best!

From the 4th of February till the 7th I went to Nagano with my friends. If you think about February in Japan, then snow definitely comes to mind. In Nagano, snow monkeys are very famous, that place we all wanted to visit. When we went it was a heavy snow fall forecast. Because of that we wanted to go to Karuizawa quickly to do skating and star gazing. While we were going to Karuizawa, we wanted to check if the activities we wanted to do were still open because of the heavy snow. However, due to the snow, the star gazing had already been cancelled. Because I was the only one in our group who had a Japanese phone number, I called the ice rink to see if they were still open. On the phone the staff saif it was open but when we actually arrived it had been suspended due to the heavy snow. We could only laugh at the situation. Luckily there was a famous onsen 15 minutes’ drive away from us. There we were able to release the stress from the day. If that onsen hadn’t been there, it would probably have been a very bad day. On our Nagano trip was full of snow activities, going to onsens, it was a great trip. Our spring vacation is only 2 weeks, next week classes will start again. I can’t help but want to travel more. But my goal in study abroad is Japanese so I will try my best. Until next month!