学习运的过程中最有效的方法之一就是多看哪个国家主流的电影和电视。这是因为现代电视剧和电影都 反映大多数的道地人常常用的词汇和说法。虽然在学习语法的方面课本是独一无二的,我倒是认为在学日常生活用语的方面,这种大众文化 更有用。
我们在北大的老师理解看中国电影对我们的用处, 所以我们班每两个周四一起看电影。对我而言老师陪着我们看电影好给力 - 她帮助我们了解电影中的俚语而在什么上下文适合用。
尽管如此还有一些中国电影我却喜欢。李安, 侯孝贤和王家卫 是我三位最喜欢的中国导演。大多数的欧美人听说过李安,其他的可能没有, 他们在欧美不是主流的导演。虽然王家卫和侯孝贤的作品在中国之外可能不掀起什么轩然大波,我倒是认为他们的电影是最有趣,最美了的。
One of the most useful ways to learn a foreign language is through watching popular TV shows and movies of that county. This is because modern TV shows and movies reflect the language and phrases that natives use frequently. Whilst textbooks are irreplaceable for learning grammar, I actually think popular culture is better for learning vocabulary.

One of Hou Hsiao Hsien’s most famous works
Our teachers at Peking University understand the use of watching films, so every other week we watch a film together. This is very useful because she helps us understand the slang in the movie, and what context we could use it in.
I must be honest - so far, I have not liked many of the Chinese films I have seen. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is I don’t like the character stereotypes I see in a lot of Chinese films, particularly of female characters. They act sickeningly cutesy, rely on men to do everything and only have one purpose in life: finding a husband. For female roles, their entire storyline revolves around dating – they are not independent characters in the slightest! This is not good! It’s the 21st century, how come Chinese directors still have this view of women?
Nevertheless, there are some Chinese films I like. My three favorite directors are Ang Lee, Wong Kar Wai and Hou Hsiao Tsien. Most Westerners will have heard of Ang Lee, but perhaps not the other two as they aren’t mainstream directors in the West. Whilst their films might not create such a big stir outside of China, I think their films are the most interesting and beautiful to watch.
As we move into the new year, my resolution is to improve my Chinese level through watching more Chinese film!