The floor of this room was made of mirrors,which was slightly disorientating. Also, luckily they lent out pairs of shorts, so those of us who came in skirts wouldn’t accidentally flash everyone.
最近、この夏に日本で流行っているところに行ってみた。TeamLabというイルミネーションの美術館みたいなところだった。色な部屋で、水とか、鏡とか、ボールなどを使って、光の美しさを紹介した。それで、面白くて、きれいな写真を撮れる場所だから、インスタで人気がある。ところで、イルミネーションは日本ではいつもすごく人気があるのに対して、スコットランドではイルミネーションはクリスマスのときしか見えない気がする。確かに、TeamLab みたいなところが前に見ったことない。少し高くても、すごく混んでいた。それでも、友達と遊んだり、写真を撮ったりして、楽しかった!

This room had a dome like ceiling, and a mirror floor, with flowers constantly being projected around the dome. the effect were very cool, but also made me feel a little seasick.
Recently, I went to a place that has been trending in Japan. TeamLab. It was similar to an art gallery, with all the exhibits being illuminations. In the various rooms, water, mirrors and balls were used to showcase the beauty of light. Because you can take eye-catching and beautiful photos there, it is popular on Instagram. However, while these kind of illumination places are always popular in Japan, I feel like you only ever see illuminations at Christmas time in Scotland. I have certainly never seen somewhere like TeamLab before. Even though it was a little expensive, it was still super crowded. But even so, I had a really good time taking photos and enjoying the exhibits with my friend.

Striking a pose in one of the rooms at TeamLab. This room was filled with large balloon like balls which changed colour.
Speaking of which, I have settled into my life in Japan well, going to school, hanging out with the family, going out with my friends. But I am still not used to the Japanese weather. Recently, the weather here has been insane, with the heat and the Typhoons.
One week ago, when I was coming home after school, a slightly scary thing happened. The train stopped because of the typhoon. I didn’t know any other way to go home, without using the train, so I just waited on the platform for over an hour. To make matters worse, while there was air conditioning at the station, it was still so hot it felt like I was standing in a Sauna. The station workers announcements just kept apologizing for the delay, so I didn’t know how long the trains would be stopped for, which worried me. Just as I was about to give up on waiting, and just walk home, a train finally came, and I managed to get home safely.

A photo I took of my friend in TeamLab. This room was filled with strings of lights that were constantly changing.
Having said that, I am glad I was in Tokyo. It seems like Osaka was worse affected by the Typhoon, and Hokkaido also had a natural disaster. An earthquake of 6.7 magnitude occurred, causing various issues including the electricity cutting out, buses and trains etc. stopping. A friend of my host family who I met last time I was in Japan, was in Hokkaido when the earthquake happened, and we couldn’t get in touch with her, so we were all worried. However luckily she was fine, it was just that her phone had died and she couldn’t charge it. Through these kind of experiences I notice the vulnerability of life. At this time, I would like to offer my sincere condolences to anyone affected by the earthquake.