

2 of the cuts of meat we got at the Yakiniku restaurant!
東京では雪があまり降らないが、先週末に少し降った! その日は、もともと着物を着てみる予定だったが、着物は濡れてはいけないので雪のせいで延期された。それそれでも、私は寒い天気が好きで、特に雪が大好きだから、テンションが上がった。そんなに積もらなかったけど子供たちと一緒に家の前、雪で遊びに行った。小さい雪だるまを作って、雪投げもしてて、超楽しかった。でも、すぐに溶けて、次の日はもうなかった。
Valentine’s day in Japan
The first thing you think of for february is Valentine’s day right?
In the UK, America too, Valentine’s day (14th February) is a day to celebrate your significant other (though I get the feeling that the guy usually does more). It’s the same in Japan, except like Halloween and Christmas, it is rather different from the western original.
On Japanese Valentine’s day, girls give chocolates to every guy they know. These chocolates are divided into multiple different kinds. Including Honmei choco which is given to boyfriends or the guy a girl has a crush on, giri choco for those she is obligated to give chocolate to, tomo choco given to friends, and recently it seems even family choco. Then one month later, 14th March, called white day here, the guys return the favour to all the girls they received chocolate from.
This seems to be due to an comercial when Valentine’s day was first being introduced to Japan, that it was perceived as a day when women give chocolate to men. then , in keeping with Japanese culture, a day for guys to return that was necessary, so white day was created.
Because there are lots of different meanings behind the chocolate here, it is said that you should state what kind of chocolate it is when giving it. Thus it is often used in dramas and films, in order to confess feelings to someone (and ask them out). The main female character will give chocolate to the male lead, and he will then understand her feelings (ie, she fancies him). However, I am not sure if anyone actually does this in real life. At very least, around the start of February expensive chocolates and cute tools and ingredients for making chocolates are everywhere.
I wanted to try making something, so I got a cute mold and some chocolate from the 100 yen shop, and had a shot at it. The kids were really interested, and got really excited about it, so got in the way a little. But I forgave them because they are cute.
On Valentine’s day I went out for dinner with my host family to a yakiniku place. I think Yakiniku restaurants are a very Asian thing. There is either a gas or charcoal burner in middle of the table, and you cook meat (or fish, vegetables, etc) at your table. While Korean style yakiniku restaurants have been increasing, I think this style of restaurant is still fairly unknown in Scotland. While in the west it is normal to go to a restaurant and have a chef cook for you, I this style of cook-it-yourself restaurants are

At the Yakiniku restaurant, cooking over the coals
also fun. In Japan it is common to do all-you-can-eat or all-you-can-drink at yakiniku restaurants, there are also course menus and it is possible to just order individual dishes too. This time we got a course menu, and got better quality meat than that of the all-you-can-eat. There was a lot of food, and it was all delicious. We went home happy and full.
It doesn’t snow much in Tokyo but last weekend it snowed! Originally the plan was to try kimono on that day, but because you can`t get kimono wet (because they are made of silk and get damaged easily) that was postponed due to the snow. But even so, I love cold weather, especially snow so I got really excited. It didn’t stick much but I went out to play in it with the kids in front of the house. We built a small snowman and had a snowball fight, it was really good fun! But it didn’t last long, and was all melted by the next day.