
My experience of filming in Romania: Charlotte McGarry, China – February 2017


这年一月的时候,很幸亏有了机会去罗马尼亚在一部新的电影中扮演角色。在这部电影中一位非常受欢迎的中国电影明星, 范冰冰,领衔主演,武则天, 但是因为这位女演员不能去罗马尼亚拍几个场景, 我被选择扮演她的替身。

武则天是中国历史上唯一个女皇帝而她的任性性格令人既害怕又钦佩。我很兴奋扮演这个多么厉害的角色!为了准备扮演这个角色我开始看看中国电视剧 ‘武 媚娘傳奇’。范冰冰因主演这个角色而出名,所以我想要以她为榜样。

电影布景中又不少中国临时演员。我想跟他们谈一谈但我的关于电影的词汇太有限了所以我先要学会围绕着拍电影的不少生词,比如 ‘相机角度’ 和 ‘服装设计师’!


电影所在拍的地方美得令我透不过气来。 美中不足就是天气冷死了,而因我在穿皇后的衣服我也不能穿大衣!幸亏服装设计师很体贴,电影摄影师不在拍的时厚帮我保暖。

总而言之,这是个非常宝贵令我难忘的经历。我等不及电影在中国出来, 给我所有的朋友们儿看看!



In January, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to Romania to work on a film. A very famous Chinese film star – Fan Bingbing – is playing the lead role of Wu Zetian, but because she could not go to Romania to shoot some scenes, I was cast to play her body double.

Wu Zetian was China’s only ever female empress, and her headstrong character was both feared and admired. I was very excited to be playing her! To research for the role, I started watching the Chinese TV series ‘The Empress of China’. Fan Bing Bing is famous for playing this role, so I wanted to model myself on her.

There were lots of Chinese extras on set. I wanted to talk to them, but previously my vocabulary about films was too limited, so I first had to learn a lot of new vocabulary about making movies! Examples (of my new vocabulary) include ‘camera angles’ and ‘wardrobe supervisor’!

The first thing I had to do was go for a costume fitting. The costume I got to wear was incredible, just like Fan Bing Bing’s! I felt honored.  But one thing that made me really surprised is how uncomfortable and heavy it was. Every day, it took two hours and five people to help me get dressed. I feel very sorry for high society women of the past – I can’t even imagine how much of a pain it would be to have to get dressed this way every single day!

The locations we filmed at were so amazing they took my breath away. The only fly in the ointment was that it was absolutely freezing, and I couldn’t wear huge coats because I had to wear the costume. Luckily, the crew was very helpful and kept me warm whilst the cameraman wasn’t shooting.

All in all, it was an incredible experience that I will never forget. I can’t wait to show my friends in China the video when it comes out


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