
A Chinese fruit shop with almost every piece of fruit individually wrapped in plastic
***Protecting the Environment***
In April, there were two weeks of protests in London. The protestors wanted the UK government to make more of an effort to protect the environment.

Disposable coffee cups and unnecessary plastic use in China
I admit that we are currently faced with a lot of very serious environmental problems, such as rising sea levels, extinction of plant and animal species, and damage to the world’s grasslands, forests, rivers,lakes and seas. These are all facts, but it doesn’t mean that we cannot solve these types of problems by changing our ways and developing new technology.
I actually think that the UK is already one of the global leaders in protecting the environment. Nowadays the UK rarely burns coal. Furthermore, last weekend more than half of the country’s energy came from renewable sources: 35% of the energy was from wind power, 21% of the energy was from solar.
Although these facts are important, I agree with the protestors. I believe we must make more of an effort to protect the environment.
I think the root of the issue lies in two places: the source of our energy and our convenient or even wasteful habits. Firstly, we must call on the government and large corporations to change their ways. In the future, all of our energy must be clean. We can also encourage supermarkets and shops to use less plastic in packaging. Furthermore, we can encourage coffee shops to continue to give discounts to those customers who use reusable cups, and to use disposable cups less often.

Unnecessary plastic packaging in a Chinese restaurant
Secondly, eating meat, wearing leather clothing, using plastic at home, these kinds of things all damage the environment also. If we all change our ways as individuals, then we can also protect the environment.