IMG_0194 Is learning a language through immersion as easy as people say? – Olivia Pettitt, Spain – September 2019

Después de mi segundo mes viviendo en Madrid, y visitando otros lugares como Barcelona, creo que mi español ha mejorado mucho. Soy capaz de entender y responder las conversaciones que creo que no hubiera podido cuando llegué por primera vez. He sido capaz de comunicarme, expresarme en situaciones y lugares

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Architecture in Barcelona Incredible architecture in Barcelona

Antoni Gaudí is quite possibly one of the most revolutionary modernist architects of his time. Throughout his long career, he designed and built some of the most striking and comfortable buildings to live in, using innovative solutions, always based on nature. Many of his works, which are more than buildings,

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spanish flag Congrats to Sian

Congratulations to our new scholar Sian!   Sian has spent the first semester of her third year working in Strasbourg, France.  She is studying a 4 year undergraduate degree in French, Spanish and European Union Studies. From September 2014 Sian has been working as a Marketing, Communication and Translation Intern

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Barcelona Sian Summerton, Barcelona, Spain – February 2015

 ¡Mis primeras semanas en Barcelona! Llegué en Barcelona al principio de enero. Acabé de pasar seis meses en Francia, así que estaba un poco preocupada por el choque cultural y el cambio de idioma. Durante las vacaciones de Navidad, entre mis periodos de prácticas distintos, pasé un par de semanas

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