我在中国的时间快要结束了。考虑到这一点,我最近比往常更珍惜一些普通的中国经历。第一个就是吃北京的小吃。自从我来到中国之后,晚上的时候我的公寓外面一直站着很多卖各种各样好吃食物的摊子。半夜很饿的时候,去买一个手抓并或者炒饭已经变成了我的一个习惯。我知道回英国之后没有这个买宵夜的机会让我怀念我在中国的时光。同样的,我也习惯了点‘外卖’。当然,很多国家有外卖,可是中国的外卖真的独一无二。好像中国每一家饭馆(中国的饭馆很多!)都跟一个外卖应用链接了。这样你什么时候饿都能点你最想吃的菜,难怪在北京商业地区每天中午你都能看到上班族站在办公室外面等他们的外卖。最后,飞提及微信的便利性不可。好像在中国生活你唯一需要的事情就是微信,你能来用这个app买东西,打车,组自行车,付电水气的费用, 挂一漏万。

Chinese lanterns near my apartment
My time in China is sadly coming to an end. I will be heading back to the UK at the end of the month having learnt a lot over the course of my year in China. With this in mind, I have recently been cherishing more than usual a few ordinary Chinese experiences. The first is Beijing’s street food. Eversince I came to China, every night outside my apartment there have been food stands selling all sorts of delicious food. When I’m hungry late at night, going out to get a ‘shou zhua bing’ (a kind of pancake) or fried rice has become a habit. I know that when I go back to England, not having the opportunity to quickly go and buy a delicious, cheap midnight snack will make me long to be back in China. Similarly, I have also got used to ordering take away a lot. Of course lots of countries have take away, but the system in China really is unparalleled. It’s as if every restaurant in China (there are a lot of restaurants in China!) is linked to one of the take away apps. In this way you can order absolutely anything you want, whenever you want. Its no wonder that if you go to the business district at lunch time, you’ll see hoards of office workers waiting outside their office for their takeaway to be delivered. Finally, I can’t speak about China with out mentioning Wechat. It’s as if Wechat is the only thing you need to be able to live in China. You can use it to buy things, hire a cab, rent a bike or even pay for your water and electricity bills. The list really is endless!