Cosmo de Bono – Final Month in Taiwan, June 2024

At HaiDiLau hotpot restaurant在台灣最後一個月
昨晚,我和同學一起去了海底撈火鍋店。這是台灣一家很有名的火鍋店,不過價格不便宜,所以不能常去!雖然在台灣生活了近 10 個月,這還是我第一次去專業火鍋店。首先要選擇火鍋口味,然後用 iPad 點肉和蔬菜。用餐期間還有舞蹈表演,非常有趣。

Toilet Restaurant

Last Month in Taiwan
This was my last month in Taiwan. I’ve been here since the end of August so I feel like I’ve seen a lot of the country and culture now. As I haven’t done any travelling recently, I wanted to discuss y experiences with Taiwanese food in this last report.
Two weeks ago I went to a Taiwanese cooking class. A friend of mine had been to this class and recommended it to me. We made chicken noodle soup, bubble tea and Taiwanese soup dumplings. I received a recipe for each dish that I can take home with me to England. The class was mainly Japanese tourists but also some local Taiwanese people. It was really fun to use my language skills to discuss food and I learnt some useful vocab!
This month I also visited the strangest place I have been to in Taiwan – a toilet-themed restaurant. All of the chairs are toilets and every dish is served in a miniature toilet. I had heard about this restaurant through social media and thought it would be a funny place to visit with my classmate. The food and service was not great but maybe this is part of the toilet themed experience? The funniest part was eating chocolate ice cream inside a small toilet… Experiences like this are really strange but are extremely memorable. I will miss strange places like this when I leave Taiwan.
Last night I want to HaiDiLau hotpot restaurant with my classmates. This is a well-known hotpot restaurant in Taiwan, although it isn’t cheap so you can’t go there too often! Despite living in Taiwan for nearly 10 months, this was my first time going to a specialist hotpot restaurant. You first choose your hotpot flavour, then you use an iPad to order meats and vegetables. There was also a dance performance during our meal which was fun to watch.
Food has been such an important part of my experience in Taiwan. It’s often cheaper to eat at a restaurant than to cook your own food so I’ve enjoyed some amazing meals during my time abroad. This is probably one of the things I will miss most when leaving Taiwan.
As my time in Taiwan is nearly over, I’m starting to reflect on my time here. I will write about this fully in my end-of-trip report, but I wasn’t expecting to feel so emotional about leaving Taiwan. I’m realising how many wonderful memories I have here.

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