Cultural Differences between Britain and China – Jack Davies, February 2016







English Translation:
There are many cultural differences between China and the UK that I have noticed whilst living here. Below are some of the cultural differences I have noticed as a British expat.

Firstly in the diet. Chinese people’s staple food tends to be either noodles, mantou or often rice in the South of China. Chinese people really like steamed food, salty flavours, and stewed and fried dishes. They are also happy to eat parts of animals that British people tend not to be fond of such as the liver or the head of an animal. Whilst in the UK the potato is often known as the staple food, equally the British love to eat Beef and other large portions of meat. They do not however tend to eat certain parts of an animal’s body such as the feet or organs of the animal. This is why often British people are shocked upon seeing the wide variety of bits of an animal the Chinese are happy to eat. When it comes to drinking Chinese people often like their drinks warm, be it warm soup, warm alcohol, or warm water. Particularly in the case of water, Chinese people tend to believe this can cure all manner of ills. This would come at odds with British tastes who certainly tend to have their water cold if not iced. Finally another large cultural difference related to diet is perhaps the most noticeable one when visiting China; that being that the Chinese use chopsticks to eat whereas the British will use a knife and fork.

For Education, a large difference is the length of compulsory education, which noticeably in China is only nine years. This means that high school here is not part of compulsory education. Whereas in Britain students are expected to attend school right up until university. Another major difference is how university education is funded in the UK and China. Chinese students will be supported wholly by their parents, who are responsible for all the costs of education. In the U.K however, after college the students themselves are personally responsible for their expenses and so will often take loans from banks. These loans will then be paid back over many years once they have secured employment.

Finally socializing differences that I have noticed. Chinese custom when eating out with friends or even acquaintances is that one person (the host) will pay the bill for everyone. This tends to be at odds with British culture where it is normal for each person to pay for what they have purchased. And the very last and perhaps most major difference is the Chinese love for karaoke or KTV, which from my knowledge essentially doesn’t exist in Britain!

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